Please use this form to detail all information about your event (note that you can save and continue if necessary, at the end of the page). 

We will not be able to build the event website or open RSVPs without this information. Please submit this information at least 3 business days before you would like to open RSVPs.

Virtual Event Information - Dev

We will be hosting this event via Zoom Webinar and gathering RSVPs through Zoom.

Event Date(Required)
Start Time(Required)
Co-sponsoring Departments or Organizations(Required)
Contact Person(Required)
MM slash DD slash YYYY
Who should have access to RSVP info?(Required)
Add anyone who needs to receive the list after the event is over.

Information for Event Website

Banner image(Required)

Do you have images to use for promotion? If yes, please send a hi-res version to If not, please describe appropriate stock imagery we can pull from to develop marketing materials (ie, bird imagery – flags – cameras).
We will include this information verbatim on the website. This should include speaker information, panel titles, etc.
Participant bios(Required)
We will include this information verbatim on the website
Please list all co-sponsors in the order they should appear on the event site, including any additional language. Please note that NYU Skirball should be listed as co-sponsor.
Co-sponsor logos(Required)
Do co-sponsor logos need to be included on the site? If yes, please send hi-res versions to
Co-sponsor links(Required)
Add any links to co-sponsor websites; we can build hyperlinks into the list of co-sponsors and their logos

Zoom Info

Designated co-host(Required)
Please choose someone who will be able to help "backstage" on Zoom, with the waiting room, Q&A, etc. Make sure the email is associated with their Zoom account
Email associated with Zoom account
Include everyone doing introductions, all speakers and moderators.
Call Time(Required)
Minimum call time for speakers is 15 minutes before the event starts. Please make sure all speakers will sign on at that time.
Detailed Run of Show(Required)
Estimated Duration
Include estimated times, example: Introductions | 6:30-6:35
Event Recording(Required)
We record all events for archival purposes. Are we able to post this online after the event? Please confirm with all speakers.
Closed captioning(Required)
We will enable Zoom's auto-captioning service. If you would like to pay for live captioning, please let us know so we can book a service at least 14 days in advance of your event.
Should the chat function be turned on or off?(Required)
Will speakers be screen-sharing or showing video/audio clips?(Required)
Does the event include a Q&A?(Required)


Today's Date(Required)
Name of Person Completing Application(Required)
Policy Acknowledgement(Required)