NYU Skirball’s Book Club is back! We pair each production in our season with a complementary book – novels, short stories, essays, poetry, memoirs. Whether or not you have a chance to see the show, you can pick up the book and join us via Zoom for an informal discussion.

How does it work? RSVP with your e-mail address so we can send you the Zoom link on the day of the event. After a brief introduction, we will shift participants into self-led breakout rooms, in groups of about 10, so everyone can participate in a discussion before coming back to the main room to wrap up. Need a copy of the book? Order a copy from our list, and NYU Skirball will receive a portion of the proceeds.


R E D is an erasure of Bram Stoker’s Dracula – using language carved from the original text to create a new narrative of violence, sexual abuse, power dynamics, vengeance, and feminist rage, and wrestles with the complexities of gender, transition, and monsterhood.


Chase Berggrun is a trans woman poet. She is the author of R E D (Birds, LLC, 2018). Her poems and essays have appeared in American Poetry Review, Poetry Magazine, Poem-A-Day, PEN Poetry Series, Sixth FinchDiagram, and elsewhere. She received her MFA from New York University, and lives in Brooklyn.


R E D is paired with Sibyl Kempson / 7 Daughters of Eve Thtr. & Perf. Co.’s THE SECURELY CONFERRED, VOUCHSAFED KEEPSAKES OF MAERY at the Chocolate Factory on Oct 31 & available to stream online from Nov. 4-Dec. 22. Kempson’s work takes Mary Shelley’s life and work as a starting point, building layers on the mythology of the woman who invented the novel. Berggrun works with another foundational Gothic text, paring Stoker’s words away to reveal a new narrative. Both of these works take inspiration and material from canonical works of fiction, exploring their ideas and impacts in new mediums.

An example of the erasure process from RED