Please use this form to detail all information about your event (note that you can save and continue if necessary, at the end of the page).

If you have any questions, contact J de Leon: jmdeleon [at] or 212-992-8492.

Thank you!

Event Information

Standard format: "Skirball Talks: _____"
Event Date(Required)
Note: Skirball Talks start at 6:30pm and should end by 8pm.
Co-sponsoring Departments or Organizations(Required)
Contact Person(Required)

Technical Details

Include everyone doing introductions, all speakers and moderators. [Note: Jay Wegman or J de Leon will briefly welcome the audience to the event.]
Call Time(Required)
Call time for speakers is 5:30pm. Please make sure all speakers will arrive at 5:30pm for soundcheck, and to confirm run of show.
Detailed Run of Show(Required)
Estimated Duration
Include estimated times. Please note that the event should end by 8pm. Example: Introductions | 6:30-6:40
Describe the stage set-up, including any audio/video requests. The standard set-up includes a podium stage right for introductions, and the Skirball Talks logo projected as backdrop.
Stage Equipment(Required)

Set-up for the talk (after introductions)
Does the event include video or powerpoint?(Required)
If requesting video/powerpoint, please bring a laptop with DVI connection, and someone to operate it. Laptop and operator should both arrive at 4:30pm.
Does the event include a Q&A?(Required)
Pre- and post-show music format(Required)
If you're providing pre- or post-show music, please specify the format being used.
Additional Access Requests(Required)
Please indicate if you will be organizing the following and contact Kim, Zac and/or Ian to confirm access details. Please cc J as well (

Backstage Access

Security List(Required)
Please include the full name of anyone who will be entering via the stage door (speakers, organizers, staff, photographers, etc.).
Please estimate the number of VIP tickets requested; you will need to submit a list of names the week prior to the event.
VIP Section Volunteers(Required)
If you have VIP guests, please bring 2 people to help staff the VIP seats from 5:45pm-6:30pm.


Today's Date(Required)
Name of Person Completing Application(Required)
Policy Acknowledgement(Required)