Awam Amkpa, Theatre and Postcolonial Desires (2003)
Rustom Bharucha, The Politics of Cultural Practice: Thinking Through Theatre in an Age of Globalization (2000)
Una Chaudhuri, Staging Place: The Geography of Modern Drama (1995)
Gautam Dasgupta and Bonnie Marranca (eds.), Interculturalism and Performance: Writings from PAJ (1991)
Elinor Fuchs and Una Chaudhuri (eds.), Land/scape/theater (2002)
May Joseph, Nomadic Identities: The Performance of Citizenship (1999)
Barbara Kirshenblatt-Gimblett, Destination Culture: Tourism, Museums, and Heritage (1998)
Florian Malzacher (ed.), Not Just A Mirror: Looking for the Political Theatre of Today (2015)
Della Pollock, Exceptional Spaces: Essays in Performance and History (1998)
P. A. Skantze, Itinerant Spectator/Itinerant Spectacle (2013)